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International Day of Women and Girls in Science: the events with the Vice Rector Arianna Menciassi and the Researcher Sara Moccia to help overcome the gender gap and bring girls closer to science. Available the recordings

Publication date: 23.02.2022
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On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, professors and researchers of the Sant'Anna School brought their contribution to reflect on why, even in the scientific world, gender imbalances still persist, on plans for gender equality and their effective implementation, but also to bring the new generations closer to science, with particular reference to STEM disciplines.

On Friday, February 11, on the occasion of this day, Arianna Menciassi, Vice Rector and Professor of the Institute of BioRobotics at the Sant'Anna School, participated in “Launch of the Digital Coffee 2022. World Day of Women in Science”, organized by the Istituto Comprensivo “G. Mariti” of Fauglia (Pisa). The meeting, broadcasted live streaming, by the girls of the third classes of secondary schools, has become an opportunity to address issues of sciencetechnology and new scientific discoveries that will have a strong impact on future society.

The recording is available HERE (Italian language only)

Also on Friday, February 11, Sara Moccia, Researcher at the Institute of BioRobotics of the Sant'Anna School, was one of the ten speakers of the ecosystem of the network of European universities EELISA, joined in Italy by the Sant'Anna School and the Scuola Normale Superiore, who met online to share with the public their personal experiences, their points of view and their advice to bring girls and women closer to science, helping to overcome the gender gap. In the discussion, the panelists emphasized the need to “stimulate science careers from an early age”.

The recording is available HERE.